L&D Meets Change Management: Capabilities for Success


Mohl larry
Founder, Rali Solutions
Webinar Details
  • Category
  • Date and Time
    Wed, Oct 02, 2024 at 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
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Do you use ADDIE or Agile Design in your work? Have you used ADKAR or Kotter’s 8-Step Model? Are these learning models designed for learning or change? For learning programs to drive demonstrable behavior change, L&D professionals can turn to approaches used by change management professionals. In turn, change management professionals increase their success when they borrow approaches form behavioral psychology and learning science. The fact that McKinsey & Co. report that over 70% of change efforts fail to deliver their intended outcomes suggests we have opportunities to improve our capability for learning and change. How can we bring these disciplines together to increase our chances of success?

Research over the last 18 months by Larry Mohl at Rali has uncovered four validated change capabilities that are measurable and predictive of change initiative success. These capabilities are being used as part of Rali's Change Experience solution as they work with organizations.

In this session you will have the opportunity to discuss these capabilities, review company use cases, and assess one of your own initiatives.

About Larry Mohl

Larry Mohl Larry is the Founder of Rali Solutions located in Alpharetta, Georgia. Rali’s award-winning Change Experience Platform (CxP) empowers scalable, measurable, and lasting change that shapes the employee experience and drives continuous performance improvement. As Chief Learning Officer for the Cellular Division at Motorola Inc., The American Express Company, and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Larry developed innovative approaches to leadership development, knowledge communities, and integrated talent management..As a senior human resource leader and well-known change architect, Larry has vast, multi-industry experience in large global complex organizations. His contributions included development of talent strategies and implementation of company-wide programs that led to measurable increases in employee engagement, retention, leadership supply, and organization capability.

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