Present without PowerPoint - Could Ya? Would Ya?


Glenn gibson relaxed (2)
Author of Before the Mic
Webinar Recording Details
  • Date and Time
    Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
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PowerPoint can be an awesome tool to help you convey information. Yet, have you ever thought about delivering a presentation without any slides at all?

Why would you even consider doing this, as PPT is so widely accepted and expected? It’s simple. If you remove the crutch of PPT, it forces you as a communicator to think differently about how you present your message. It will sharpen your other presentation abilities and make you a much better presenter.

In this session, delivered entirely WITHOUT slides, you’ll learn more about the essential skills all presenters should master, beyond slide design.

We’ll explore how to capture the minds and hearts of our listeners by:
  • Painting vivid word pictures
  • Incorporating storytelling, analogies, and memory-aiding techniques.
  • Exploring alternative, creative ways to convey ideas visually, beyond flat images contained within 16x9 rectangles.
Once you master these skills, it will improve your usage of PowerPoint, because you’ll realize the power of figuring out what you are trying to say first, and THEN crafting visuals to support your message. 

So come to this session, delivered with no PPT whatsoever, and answer the question for yourself –
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About Glenn Gibson

Glenn Gibson is an award-winning presenter and author of the book Before the Mic. Glenn is a keynote speaker and coach at the leading software organization, Hyland, and specializes in crafting captivating content for keynotes, sales pitches, analyst briefings, board and team meetings. Glenn also served on the board at the Presentation Guild.
Throughout his decades-long career – leading product evangelist, marketing and training teams - Glenn has combined his passions for public speaking, coaching in every role and has picked up technical certifications from VMware (VCP), Citrix (CCM) and Microsoft (MCP) along the way. 

Born and raised in Scotland, Glenn now lives in Avon, Ohio with his wife, two boys and West Highland Terrier.

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