Best Practices to Navigate Seismic Changes in Leadership Development

Date and TimeThu, Jun 06, 2024 at 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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And as the dust continues to settle in the aftermath of COVID and the birth of the hybrid work environment, we could be in line for the next shockwave as artificial intelligence and generative AI (genAI) are poised to reset leadership development, introducing changes in how it is financed, delivered, and evaluated.
Join Dr. Michael Leimbach, VP of Global Research and Development for Wilson Learning, and Lorri Freifeld, Editor/Publisher of Training magazine, for this webinar, which will explore results and takeaways from the survey, including:
- The current state of leadership development (including levels of investment, priority skills, and the most effective learning methods for leadership development)
- Usage of genAI in leadership development programs, plus challenges to adoption
- Best practices and tips from high-performing companies to strengthen leadership development efforts
Learn how you can help ensure today’s leaders have the necessary skills to successfully navigate the seismic changes on the horizon.
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About Michael Leimbach, Ph.D.
Michael Leimbach, Ph.D., is Vice President of Global Research and Development for Wilson Learning Worldwide Inc. With more than 40 years in the field, Dr. Leimbach has developed Wilson Learning’s diagnostic, learning, and performance improvement capabilities and has managed major research studies in sales, leadership, and organizational effectiveness. He also developed Wilson Learning’s impact evaluation capability and return on investment models. Dr. Leimbach has served as a research consultant for a wide variety of global client organizations, is Editor-in-Chief for a major professional journal, and has served on the ISO Technical Committee on Quality Standards for Learning Service Providers. Dr. Leimbach has coauthored four books, published more than 100 professional articles, and is a frequent speaker at national and global conferences.
About Lorri Freifeld