Elevate Your Training with Powerful Questions

Date and TimeThu, Apr 18, 2024 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Join me to discover the powerful impact that effective questioning can have on training participant engagement and learning. In this session, we’ll explore how good questions serve as both tools and fuel for participant engagement and learning. We’ll journey through compelling real-life stories that showcase the transformative potential of well-crafted questions. You’ll come away recognizing the importance of asking good questions and the value of planning specific questions to use during sessions, along with a collection of good question prompts to use in almost any context.
This session is designed for teachers, instructors, and trainers seeking inspiration to elevate their questioning skills. Discover how the art of asking good questions can promote retention, creative thinking, and more in professional learning participants.
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About Sheila B. Robinson, Ed.D.
Sheila B. Robinson, Ed.D., of Custom Professional Learning, LLC, is a speaker, educator, and consultant with a passion for the science of teaching and learning. She helps coaches, consultants, and business owners create their own high-quality workshops and courses.
Through her other talks and workshops Sheila teaches people about asking good questions, learning strategies, course creation, audience engagement, program evaluation, survey design, data visualization, and presentation design.
Sheila is author of Designing Quality Survey Questions, 2nd Ed., a text focused on a respondent-centered and research-based survey design process that focuses on how we ask questions of our respondents, and Professional Development Program Evaluation for the Win: How to Sleep Well at Night Knowing Your Professional Learning Is Effective, a free eBook on training program evaluation.
Sheila is a Certified Presentation Expert (CPE)™ and Past President of the Presentation Guild.