Creating a Master Plan for Leadership Development


Managing Consultant, The Training Doctor, LLC
Webinar Recording Details
  • Date and Time
    Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
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Now is a great time to re-think how leadership development is conducted in your organization.

Many companies are restructuring thanks to shifts in the economy, the retirement of Boomers, and a prevalence for work from home. All of these changes often mean new people moving into leadership roles – but are they prepared?
In this webinar we’ll look at three ways you can approach leadership development differently and more effectively than sending folks out to classes and giving them Level 1 evaluations. The object is to create well-rounded business leaders that will help your company to achieve continued success.

About Nanette Miner, Ed.D.

Forbes-featured learning and professional-skills development expert, Dr. Nanette Miner specializes in teaching leadership and thinking skills. She is the Managing Consultant for The Training Doctor, which works with small and medium-sized companies (400 - 1000 employees) to help them build a leadership pipeline from within, so they aren't scrambling to fill empty leadership positions.

You can learn more about her work here

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