PowerPoint Templates Top 10


Owner, Echosvoice LLC
Webinar Recording Details
  • Date and Time
    Tue, Mar 05, 2024 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
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PowerPoint templates should work well for everyone who uses them. Contrary to popular belief, templates are not easy to get right. In fact, thousands of steps go into building a solid template.

Seeing some of the things I look for in a template to determine if it functions well should help you make your own templates more efficient.
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About Echo Swinford

Echo Swinford has been working with PowerPoint since 1997. She is President Emerita of the Presentation Guild and has been a Microsoft PowerPoint MVP since 2000. With co-author Julie Terberg, she recently released the definitive guide to PowerPoint template development: Building PowerPoint Templates v2.

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