4 Learning Metrics You're Not Using Today But Should

Vice President, Client Success, Metrics That Matter
Webinar Recording Details
Date and TimeThu, Feb 05, 2015 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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L&D functions that focus on the right learning metrics successfully double or even triple the level of impact that their learning programs have on the organization. This session will focus on 4 underutilized metrics: Scrap Learning, Predictive ROI, Net Promoter Score, and Manager Support Rate.
For each of the 4 metrics, we’ll delve into:
- How the metric is defined
- How to incorporate the metric into your measurement process
- How to best leverage the metric to achieve real impact
About Jeff Grisenthwaite
Jeff Grisenthwaite oversees service and support to Metrics that Matter® customers, helping clients to optimize use of the technology and improve the impact of their workforce. Previously Jeff led the development of eLearning and customer training programs for DDC Training Services.