Date and TimeTue, Jun 13, 2023 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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When you think of animation, do you think of flying bullets and spiraling titles? Many people do, unfortunately, and so animation suffers a bad reputation. In fact, one of your best opportunities to shine as a presenter and storyteller is through smart, effective, and appropriate use of motion. In this hour, we’ll explore exactly what that means, using the Animation engine and the always-amazing Morph transition.
- The power of movement, for better or for worse
- When in doubt, use Wipe and Fade
- Sequence data chunks for better understanding
- Create trust with your audience
In partnership with
About Rick Altman
Rick Altman has been hired by hundreds of companies, listened to by tens of thousands of professionals, and read by millions of people, all of whom seek better results with their presentation content and delivery. He covers the whole of the industry, from message crafting, through presentation design, slide creation, software technique, and delivery. He is the host of the Presentation Summit, now in its 16th season as the most prominent learning event for the presentation community.
Away from the conference, he regularly leads private presentation skills development workshops within organizations and is working on the fourth edition of the popular and provocatively-titled Why Most PowerPoint Presentations Suck, and how you can make them better.
Altman came to presentations through publishing and graphic design. He claims to have invented desktop publishing back in 1982 and can show a galley sheet of type that was produced by connecting his Osborne 1 computer to a typesetter across town with a 300-baud modem (that cost $800). An avid sportsman, he was not a good enough tennis player to make it onto the professional tour. All the rest of this has been his Plan B…