Date and TimeTue, Nov 11, 2014 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Contrary to what most of us have been told, our Success and Happiness formula is backwards. When we put happiness first everything changes. The science proves it. Want engagement? Want business success? Start with happiness. And sustain it.
How do you do that? How do you raise happiness levels for the long term? How can you ensure happiness?
We know that by immersing our organizations in the practical application of positive psychology we can raise levels of happiness… but information alone is not transformation.
If you want to truly sustain positive change, you have to understand how to create it well enough to replicate it and to teach it to others. Companies and leaders that heed this knowledge will be leading flourishing businesses of the future.
In this webinar Shawn Achor and Gary Baker President of Nationwide Brokerage Services (Insurance Intermediaries Inc.) discuss the impact since being featured in Training magazine’s 2014 conference edition. By reviewing what has worked, what has been learned and finally what else is being done, Gary and Shawn provide real life examples of happiness efforts taking root.
In this interview you’ll learn:
- How one organization is creating sustainable business outcomes and ensuring happiness by embedding positive psychology into its work routines
- The latest in research findings on the application of positive psychology in the workplace
- The leader’s role in getting our brains and organizations to move towards both positive and engaged
About Shawn achor
Shawn Achor spent 12 year at Harvard University, winning over a dozen distinguished teaching awards, before traveling to over 50 countries bringing his positive psychology research to over one-third of the Fortune 100. Shawn is considered one of the world’s leading experts on the connection between happiness and success and is the author of New York Times best-selling books The Happiness Advantage and Before Happiness – as well as his immensely popular business parable, The Orange Frog. His research on happiness has made the cover of Harvard Business Review, his TED talk is one of the most popular all time with over 8 million views, and his lecture airing on PBS has been seen by millions.
Shawn teaches for the Advanced Management Program at Wharton Business School and continues to conduct original psychology research on happiness and organizational achievement in collaboration with Yale University, Columbia University and The Institute for Applied Positive Research. He recently did a two-hour interview with Oprah at her house discussing happiness research and perception of success.