Workshop: Create Interactive Simulations with Adobe Captivate 2019


Damien bruyndonckx
eLearning Expert, Founder & CEO of One2Learn
Webinar Recording Details
  • Date and Time
    Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 8AM Pacific / 11AM Eastern
  • Duration
    2 Hours
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
  • Want Access?
    Register to view the recording.


Nowadays, instructional video has become a very popular eLearning technique! But video has one major limitation: it's not interactive! Learners often have to sit passively watching a video tutorial from start to finish. This lack of interactivity limits their engagement and ultimately reduces the retention rate of your instruction.

Adobe Captivate 2019 includes a screen capture tool that allows you to completely overcome this intrinsic limitation of video and create truly interactive simulations based on the recording of your actions on the screen.

On Tuesday November 29, 2022, join us for a webinar entirely dedicated to creating interactive simulations using the built-in screen capture tool in Adobe Captivate 2019.
During this webinar, you will discover
  • The difference between a video demonstration and an interactive simulation
  • Various options for capturing your screen
  • The automatic and manual recording modes
  • How to edit recorded simulations
  • Using the Click Box object for developing interactions
  • Etc...
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to completely reinvent the very concept of video tutorials. Your learners will enjoy a whole new type of interactive learning experience that will increase engagement and retention.

About Damien Bruyndonckx

Damien Bruyndonckx is the founder & CEO of One2Learn, a Belgian-based eLearning company that provides a wide array of content development and training services. Damien has over 15 years of experience in the eLearning industry. He is the co-author of the "Mastering Adobe Captivate" series of books published by Packt publishing and of "Enterprise LMS with Adobe Captivate Prime", the very first book to document Captivate Prime (now Adobe Learning Manager). He is a long-time speaker at Adobe Learning summits and conferences and serves as a trainer for Adobe Captivate certification.

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