Webinar Recording Details
Date and TimeTue, Nov 15, 2022 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Watch for a prompt from the moderator upon login.

Too many presenters focus on how their presentation is going to LOOK, and not enough to how it SOUNDS. Can you blow people's minds with just the words you say? It turns out that presenters can learn a lot from songwriters. Songwriters create beautiful music using writing techniques to ensure that what they create sounds great, long before they think about creating the music video or stage lighting.
This is exactly how we should approach presentation writing, words first, visuals last. In this session, we’ll explore this correlation and show you how to put slides in their proper place.
We’ll take a deep dive into:
- Structure - How to apply a repeatable award-winning structure to your presentations
- Melody - How to write a "chorus" for your presentation, and apply analogies and stories to hook the ear of your listener
- Lyrics - How to refine your words to ensure your performance is flawless
- Note: This webinar is delivered without any slides!
Note: This webinar is delivered without any slides!
About Glenn Gibson

Throughout his decades-long career – leading product evangelist, marketing and training teams - Glenn has combined his passions for public speaking, coaching in every role and has picked up technical certifications from VMware (VCP), Citrix (CCM) and Microsoft (MCP) along the way.
Born and raised in Scotland, Glenn now lives in Avon, Ohio with his wife, two boys and West Highland Terrier.