Tools for Training Program Evaluation


Sbrobinson headshot hi res
Speaker, Educator, and Consultant, Custom Professional Learning LLC
Webinar Recording Details
  • Date and Time
    Tue, Oct 04, 2022 at 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
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You’re ready to figure out whether your training programs are working, worth the investment of time and other resources, and meeting their goals. What tools do you need to conduct a training program evaluation?  

Program evaluation is about applying systematic methods to collect, analyze, interpret, and communicate data about a program to understand its design, implementation, outcomes, or impacts. Simply put, it’s about asking good questions, gathering the right data, and using what we learn to make good decisions.

A robust program description and logic model are powerful tools that can inform a program evaluation plan. Well-designed surveys and focus groups are some of the most used tools for data collection. In this session Sheila will provide a brief overview of five phases of program evaluation and dive into key considerations for creating these tools.

In this session, attendees will learn:
  • The 5 phases of a program evaluation
  • Why a robust program description is essential 
  • How to develop a program logic model
  • Key considerations for creating surveys and focus group protocols 

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About Sheila B. Robinson, Ed.D.

Sheila B. Robinson, Ed.D., Custom Professional Learning, LLC, is a speaker, educator, and consultant with a passion for the science of teaching and learning, presentations, and asking questions. Through her talks, professional development workshops and university courses, Sheila teaches people how to make the most of professional learning and how to ask good questions, along with program evaluation, survey design, data visualization, audience engagement, and presentation design.
Sheila is author of Designing Quality Survey Questions, a text focused on a respondent-centered and research-based survey design process that focuses on how we ask questions of our respondents, and Professional Development Program Evaluation for the Win: How to Sleep Well at Night Knowing Your Professional Learning Is Effective, a free ebook on training program evaluation.

Sheila is a Certified Presentation Specialist (CPS)™, Vice President of the Presentation Guild, and Senior Design and Facilitation Consultant with Evergreen Data.

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