VROOM! Getting Started in VR


Chief Technology Officer, ELB Learning
Webinar Recording Details
  • Date and Time
    Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
  • Want Access?
    Register to view the recording.



Did you know that several organizations keep proving that immersive learning gets better results than traditional training strategies? From higher retention to improved muscle memory, there are dozens of reasons to embrace virtual reality—and getting started is much easier than you think!

Join John Blackmon, eLearning Brothers CTO to hear his step-by-step instructions to get your VR project started quickly, and ensure it generates rockstar results. Highlights include: 
  • Where to find inspiration for building your next VR course
  • How to get management on board with it
  • Tips for filming and photographing scenes effectively 
  • Best practices for creating a scenario
  • Lessons learned and common mistakes to avoid

By the end of this webinar, you'll walk away with a solid action plan for jumpstarting your VR training project, so don’t miss out!

About John Blackmon

As Chief Technology Officer for ELB Learning, John is responsible for all aspects of development and strategy for the company’s eLearning products. Prior to joining ELB Learning, John was Co-Founder and CEO of Trivantis, where he created the flagship products, Lectora and CenarioVR. John was also Co-Founder and Lead Engineer at BocaSoft, a company that created various software utilities for the OS/2 operating system. His career started at Electronic Data Systems, where he designed a number of automatic identification systems with various technologies for plant floor applications at General Motors, followed by time spent at IBM working on plant floor data collection, and then design work on the OS/2 operating system. At IBM, John was awarded a patent for his work on seamlessly running Windows applications under the OS/2 operating system. John regularly speaks at various eLearning industry events on topics ranging from xAPI to VR, and has a patent pending on his work for Responsive Course Design. He also received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Florida Institute of Technology.

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