Shifting to Virtual: Updating Your Blended Learning Design


Img 4406
Director of Strategic Design, LEO Learning
Leo patrick headshot
Principal Consultant, LEO Learning
Webinar Recording Details
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It’s been over 12 months since our lives were turned upside down by COVID-19. A significant change has been our sudden increased reliance on technology, allowing us to connect virtually with our family, friends, and colleagues all over the world.

Despite the disruption, the widespread shift to online learning has given us a glimpse of the future: a fully blended, virtual learning world. We’ve had the opportunity to innovate and test new strategies and approaches which we will take forward, and to consider the real value of different modes of learning and how they can fit together perfectly.  

Join our LEO Learning consultants, Andrew Joly, Director of Strategic Design, and Patrick Billingsley, Principal Consultant, as we take a fresh look at the design and delivery of world-class blended learning. We’ll show you what’s working, what leading organizations are doing now, and what you need to do to get started.

Register now to:
  • Create and manage meaningful blended learning journeys at a distance
  • Increase uptake and engagement with your learners
  • Learn how to measure the components of your blended learning program
  • See examples of what we’re doing with some of our leading global clients
  • Challenge us and share your ideas
  • Take away practical tips you can apply tomorrow

About Andrew Joly

As Director of Strategic Design, Andrew leads a large consulting faculty at the front line of digital learning and learning innovation in practice. In this role, he focuses on his personal passion: how technology-enabled learning and communications blends can genuinely transform performance and deliver a measured difference to learners, teams, and global organizations today.

About Patrick Billingsley

Patrick has worked in the digital learning industry for over 20 years. He loves learning about new technologies and the fact that, as designers of learning in today’s world, we now have so many opportunities available to us. As a Principal Consultant, he tends to work with large organizations offering a new approach to learning driven by digital transformation.

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