Powerful Presentation Openings for Successful Sales Meetings


Richard goring 03 square
Director, BrightCarbon
Webinar Recording Details



Struggling to make an impact with your presentations? This could be due to some fundamental flaws in your opening slides. Once you’ve lost your audience’s attention, you’ll never get it back.

Find out how to open your presentations in the most powerful way to keep your audience on the edge of their seats. Use concepts and structures from great stories to make your introduction powerful and compelling, and understand your audience to introduce different ways to capture their attention and keep it.

In this session, we’ll look at ideas for kick starting your presentation, explore a structure to follow that puts the audience at the centre of your story, and gets the conversation going for an interactive and successful session.

Plus a few bonus PowerPoint tips and tricks to allow you to create and use your presentation quickly and easily.

About Richard Goring

Richard is a Director at BrightCarbon, the specialist presentation agency. He has helped to write and create thousands of presentations and coached hundreds of teams to present more effectively using visuals, diagrams, and animated sequences that explain and reinforce the key points. He’s passionate about improving the way that people present and believes that anyone can deliver a great presentation if given the right techniques and a bit of practice.

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