Four Corporate Learning Design Practices: Making the Most of Remote Learning

Instructional Designer, D2L
Webinar Recording Details
Date and TimeTue, Aug 04, 2020 at 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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In this session, we'll discuss how you can use the flexibility and functionality available to you in the online environment to effectively design corporate learning experiences. We'll focus on best practices and tools you can use to take your content to the next level and motivate your employees to engage with the professional development opportunities that are available to them. By exploring how to make the most of the learning experiences you're offering your employees, you can empower your teams to grow and adapt to a continuously changing work environment. Encouraging employees to upskill in this manner results in a boost in engagement and an increased skillset that can be directly applied to an individual's work and benefit the organization as a whole.
- Make training concise and flexible
- Personalize the experience
- Create opportunities for social learning
- Keep content relevant and applied
About Darcy White, Ph.D.
Darcy White completed her MA and PhD in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Waterloo. In her role as an Instructional Designer at D2L, she takes an evidence-based approach to design to increase learner engagement and learning outcomes. Before working at D2L, Darcy collaborated on a large-scale research project that explored learners’ perceptions and experiences with online learning to validate design and pedagogical principles and determine how to best motivate learners in the online environment.