Beyond the "Zoom-Out": What’s Next in Best-Practice Distance Learning?


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Director of Strategic Design, LEO Learning
Strategic Consulting Lead, LEO Learning
Webinar Recording Details
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We’ve reacted fast to the new virtual working environment. Congratulations—we’re pretty good at delivering virtual classrooms! But now our learners need more profound engagement, and our clients are demanding ever more power from learning. How do we respond?

The answer: we need to get much more out of virtual workshops and events. And we need to develop engaging, blended learning journeys that work overtime and deliver sustained behavior change. 

Join our LEO Learning consultants, Andrew Joly, Director of Strategic Design, and Rose Benedicks, Strategic Consulting Lead, as we learn from the experts leading the next steps in design and delivery of distance learning and eLearning. We’ll see what’s working, what leading organizations are doing now, and answer some of the key questions you’ve been asking us in recent weeks.

Register now to:
  • Learn how to drive more learning power from your virtual workshops and engage with learners at the next level
  • Create meaningful learning journeys and blends to engage over time
  • Use the power of connected learning in your thinking
  • See examples of what we’re doing with some of our leading global clients
  • Challenge us and share your ideas
  • Take away practical tips you can apply tomorrow

About Andrew Joly

As Director of Strategic Design, Andrew leads a large consulting faculty at the front line of digital learning and learning innovation in practice. In this role, he focuses on his personal passion: how technology-enabled learning and communications blends can genuinely transform performance and deliver a measured difference to learners, teams, and global organizations today.

About Rose Benedicks

As Strategic Consulting Lead, Rose Benedicks has more than 15 years of experience crafting business solutions, learning systems and L&D strategies. With a Masters in instructional systems technology from Indiana University, Rose is a leading presenter and thought leader for LEO Learning, having given talks at CLO Exchange, HR Tech Connect, Learning Technologies, and DevLearn, to name a few. Rose also teaches in the graduate program for instructional technology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, specifically on transitioning theory into practice.

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