Best Practices for Virtual Leadership Development

VP, Virtual Learning Strategy, ON24
Webinar Details
Date and TimeWed, Mar 19, 2014 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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The challenge of leadership in global organizations and the deficit of emerging leaders are two of the many factors leading businesses to explore alternative approaches to leadership development. New technologies have opened to door to creative, cost-effective, and engaging ways to train your future leaders regardless of their location.
Today’s virtual programs are a far cry from online programs of just a few years ago. In this Training Magazine webcast, Tom Masotto – Vice President of Product Management at ON24 – will discuss best practices for using virtual environments to:
Today’s virtual programs are a far cry from online programs of just a few years ago. In this Training Magazine webcast, Tom Masotto – Vice President of Product Management at ON24 – will discuss best practices for using virtual environments to:
- Reach global leaders faster and more cost-effectively
- Provide busy leaders with more flexibility
- More tightly integrate learning with daily work
About Tom Masotto
As Vice President of Virtual Learning Strategy, Tom Masotto leads and evangelizes ON24’s product strategy for virtual learning, new hire onboarding, and leadership development. A recognized expert on virtual strategies, Masotto is a featured speaker for ATD, Chief Learning Officer, Training Industry and Training Magazine, where he discusses enabling technologies and best practices for virtual training, social learning, and mobile learning.
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