Informal learning - Implications and New Opportunities and What They Mean to Your CEO


Echols pic
EVP, Strategic Initiatives, Human Capital Lab, Bellevue University
Webinar Recording Details



Experts state that today 80% of learning in organizations comes from informal learning. Learning leaders try to manage it; CEOs want the increase in human capital it creates.  Bright prospects eager to get hired try to get it in order to have a shot.  All have somewhat different objectives.

How informal learning is viewed, managed and funded is vastly different between these important constituencies of the enterprise.  To some, informal learning is an activity, while to others, what informal learning creates, i.e. experience, is a valuable asset.   And for new employees trying to get employed, the lack of experience informal learning produces is a significant barrier to getting hired.

With the accelerating retirement of the baby boomers, organizations that understand the implications for various key constituencies and find innovative ways to leverage their informal learning initiatives will create competitive advantage.

You will learn:
  • Why informal learning is not merely a different form of formal learning
  • How important members of your management team view informal learning.
  • The language of the important constituents impacted by informal learning
  • The asset challenges the exiting baby boomers present to every organization over the next decade
  • Innovative ways to increase the assets of informal learning in your organization

About Michael E. Echols, Ph.D.

Dr. Echols is Executive Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and the Human Capital Lab for Bellevue University. An internationally known thought-leader on evaluating and improving ROI on human capital, Dr. Echols' three books on the subject are must-reads in CEO, COO, and CLO suites around the globe. Named one of the "Top 20 Most Influential Training Professionals" in the U.S. by Training Industry, Inc., Dr. Echols earned his bachelor's degree in Physics from Carnegie Mellon University, his MBA from the University of Pittsburgh, and his Ph.D. from the College of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. His thesis was in Operations Research and Information Process. Previously, Dr. Echols worked in three senior executive roles with the General Electric Company.

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