Easy & Effective Storytelling with PowerPoint Morph


Richard goring 03 square
Director, BrightCarbon
Webinar Recording Details



Morph is a cool new transition for PowerPoint in Office 365. You can seamlessly and easily go from one slide to another and make objects change size, color, and position.

There are some interesting ways to use Morph beyond a standard transition. This session explores ways to really push the effect and tell stories in a way that wasn’t possible before in PowerPoint. You’ll see techniques like lens effects, reveals, cutaways, and complex sequences that push your storytelling to another level. And it’s all done with standard PowerPoint.

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About Richard Goring

Richard is a Director at BrightCarbon, a presentation and eLearning agency. He enjoys helping people create engaging content and communicate effectively using visuals, diagrams, and animated sequences that explain and reinforce the key points, which is supported by plenty of resources and tips at www.brightcarbon.com.

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