Internal Coaching:
Achieving Positive ROI by Utilizing Internal Coaches to Support Transfer of Learning to Doing


Lisa ann edwards photo feb 2012
Partner, Bloom Coaching Institute
Webinar Recording Details



For many years, costly coaching programs were reserved for senior executives and emerging leaders. However, in recent years, a new trend has surfaced as more organizations recognize the intangible and monetary benefit of coaching.  Organizations now offer coaching beyond the executive suite. The difference is that these new coaching programs and services are provided by internal coaches: individuals who may not be certified in coaching, but are trained in a set of coaching skills to support a specific business need and produce monetary business impact.

Attend this session and learn how one organization achieved positive ROI by utilizing internal coaches to support the transfer of learning to doing.

This webinar will include:
  • Internal Coaching: What is it and why is it important today?
  • Case study: Reinventing the follow-up: A Business Case for Supporting New Hires After They Leave Class
  • Three things you can begin today

About Lisa Ann Edwards, M.S., ACC

Lisa Ann Edwards, M.S., ACC, is a partner of Bloom Coaching Institute, an organization that advances coaching effectiveness through research, tools, training and consultation on ROI of Coaching. Lisa's coaching work has demonstrated as much as a 251% return-on-investment and has been shown to lift employee engagement nearly 20%. As head of Talent Management for Corbis, a Bill Gates' privately owned global media company, Lisa was responsible for designing and implementing effective talent development solutions such as leadership development and coaching programs to ensure talent engagement, improve talent retention and serve to feed the talent pipeline.

Lisa is a frequent contributing author to trade publications and has authored or contributed to the following books: Measuring the Success of Coaching: A Step-by-Step Guide to Measuring Impact and Calculating ROI (ASTD Press, 2012); Retail Coaching. La gestioneoperativadella rete vendita secondo le logichedello sport (2011); ASTD Handbook for Measuring and Evaluating Training (2010); Talent Management Handbook (2010); Creative On-boarding Programs (2010);Keep Looking Up (2010); Managing Talent Retention: An ROI Approach (2009) and ROI in Action Casebook (2008).

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