Age-Based Stereotypes:
Silent Killer of Collaboration and Productivity


Craig perrin image
Senior Product Manager, AchieveGlobal
Webinar Recording Details



In today's diverse workforce, four generations must contribute to business results every day. Yet age-based stereotypes can cause workplace conflict and place your team at risk for problems such as weak relationships, poor collaboration, decreased engagement, and damage to bottom line results.

Are people really that different across age groups? Genuine science says no. In fact, recent studies highlight key similarities across generations in terms of motivation and values.

Attend this eye-opening webinar to learn more about promoting intergenerational collaboration and reducing age-related conflict in your workplace. This interactive session will debunk common myths and share insights on how to:
  • Recognize and reject age-based stereotypes in your organization
  • Help yourself and others to avoid projecting age-based stereotypes
  • Understand the science behind common workplace needs across age groups
  • Become familiar with practices that promote collaboration across generations

Fact-based findings and expert recommendations will help you to leverage age diversity in your organization, find the common ground, and support a collaborative and productive workplace.

About Craig Perrin

Craig Perrin is Senior Product Manager at AchieveGlobal, an MHI Global Company. With over 30 years in leadership development, Craig has researched, designed, and developed scores of leadership training programs used by thousands of client organizations worldwide. An industry thought leader and frequent speaker, he has formulated AchieveGlobal’s position on vital leadership topics, co-authored two best-selling books, earned dozens of awards for training excellence, and was named Times Mirror Editor of the Year.

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