Grow Emotional Intelligence through Immersive Training for Leadership, HR, Sales, Health and Legal Services and more


Christina yu
Vice President, Mursion
Webinar Recording Details
  • Category
  • Date and Time
    Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
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Poor listening skills, which often manifest as a lack of empathy, are at the core of most workplace conflicts. Whether it's leadership, HR, sales, or customer service, many assume that emotional intelligence is an inherent skill and can’t be taught. New VR technology is proving otherwise. 

This webinar will concretely show you how VR can fit in with existing learning initiatives and how you can begin to calculate the ROI of your VR initiative. It will help you differentiate between AI and human-in-the-loop VR, give you a peek beneath the hood with the instructional design process, and show you how simulations come to life. You'll also have a chance to experience different types of VR simulation on the spot. Join this "choose your own adventure" style VR webinar and take home knowledge you can put to use immediately! 

In this webinar, you will:
  • Understand how VR can drive business results like NPS score
  • Experience different types of VR simulation
  • Grasp different implementation models and how VR might bolt on to existing learning initiatives

About Christina Yu

Christina Yu is a learning technology executive, an expert in virtual reality simulation and the application of this technology to workforce productivity and engagement. She speaks frequently at human capital conferences on the subjects of soft skills, learning science and the psychology of performance. Prior to her current role, she was on the founding team of a new PaaS adaptive learning division at McGraw-Hill Education, working to open and license technology to corporate learning and higher education partners. She holds an A.B in English and Creative Writing from Dartmouth College and an M.B.A from the NYU Stern School of Business.

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