Fixing Leadership Development Programs & Developing Effective New LD Initiatives

Founder, The Leaders Toolbox
Webinar Recording Details
Date and TimeTue, Jun 25, 2013 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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As a Human Resources executive, trainer, and consultant Ralph Jacobson used many of the conventional approaches to leadership and change management training. He found most did little to help the organization achieve its strategic objectives. Despite billions of dollars spent on leadership training, employee engagement surveys suggest low morale and followership. Authors such as Pfau/Kay, Gary Hamel, Barbara Kellerman confirm the assessment.
Learn and explore an approach that results in leadership and change management training that is less costly, easier to implement, and more impactful than traditional approaches.
In this program you will:
Learn and explore an approach that results in leadership and change management training that is less costly, easier to implement, and more impactful than traditional approaches.
In this program you will:
- Learn how to quickly determine whether your leadership development program is making a difference
- Why conventional leadership development programs fail to deliver powerful results
- A counter-intuitive, yet powerful leadership development platform and example of tools that will achieve sustainable results
- Examples of where the approach has been implemented…and the results achieved
About Ralph Jacobson
Ralph has helped Fortune 100 companies, healthcare organizations, and entrepreneurial organizations develop the change management and leadership capacity to implement change so that they can more easily tackle their most important business issues. He is the founder of The Leader’s Toolbox, which through training, coaching, and consulting builds the organization platforms necessary to deliver business results.
He has been recognized by Leadership Excellence magazine as one of the top ten independent leadership developers in the country and in 2005 as providing one of the most innovative leadership development solutions.
His book, Leading for a Change: How to Master the Five Challenges Faced by Every Leader, published in 2000, was named one of the top business books by The book created the framework to build The Leader’s Toolbox® methodology. He has contributed to The Change Champion’s Field Guide, and published articles in The American Management Association’s, MWorld, American Executive, Chief Learning Officer Magazine, and American College of Physician Executives journal. Ralph’s new book, Navigating Uncertainty: Using Paradox to Manage Risk, Innovation, and Sustainability, will be published in 2013 by Taylor and Francis/Productivity Press.