Training and Copyright: Do I Always Have to Get Permission? I’ve Heard of Something Called Fair Use…

President, Manage Copyright
Webinar Recording Details
Date and TimeTue, Aug 06, 2019 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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We had technical trouble with the audio during this session, so we're going to re-record it (again!). We did get a recording of the session but the audio was well below our quality standards. However, most people are able to hear and understand Barb's comments. If you prefer to view this lower quality recording now rather than wait a week or two for the high-quality recording click the View Recording link below. Otherwise, we'll notify you when the cleaner recording is available. No need for any action on your part
Within a few days, we will also be creating a discussion group to answer the many questions submitted to Barb. Thank you for your patience. We'll notify you. - Gary V.
Those of us who want to keep our jobs and reputations need to protect our clients from risks, including running afoul of copyright and trademark laws - like "Fair Use" - when creating training materials.
What is Fair Use?
Fair Use is a provision in U.S. Copyright Law—a limitation on the exclusive rights of the copyright owner. That sounds promising. You may have heard of the “dancing baby” copyright case: a mom posted a brief video of her toddler bouncing with Prince’s song “Let’s Go Crazy” playing in the background. This decade-long case brought the Fair Use limitation into the Internet Age.
Can trainers employ Fair Use in the creation of programs?
Through case studies, we'll explore the process for determining when Fair Use may apply (It’s not a slam dunk.) and examine best practices.
Within a few days, we will also be creating a discussion group to answer the many questions submitted to Barb. Thank you for your patience. We'll notify you. - Gary V.
Those of us who want to keep our jobs and reputations need to protect our clients from risks, including running afoul of copyright and trademark laws - like "Fair Use" - when creating training materials.
What is Fair Use?
Fair Use is a provision in U.S. Copyright Law—a limitation on the exclusive rights of the copyright owner. That sounds promising. You may have heard of the “dancing baby” copyright case: a mom posted a brief video of her toddler bouncing with Prince’s song “Let’s Go Crazy” playing in the background. This decade-long case brought the Fair Use limitation into the Internet Age.
Can trainers employ Fair Use in the creation of programs?
Through case studies, we'll explore the process for determining when Fair Use may apply (It’s not a slam dunk.) and examine best practices.
Those who attend this session will learn...
- How to understand the Fair Use laws and limitations
- How to determine when and where Fair Use applies
- How to conduct a Fair Use analysis
- How to weigh the risks vs. the benefits in your situation
About Barbara Ingrassia

As President of Manage Copyright, she helps individuals and organizations navigate copyright law in the digital age by facilitating a review of their “public presence,” developing Best Practices, and training their staff.
Ingrassia enjoys bringing some fun to a (potentially) dull topic. Her motto: Manage Copyright. Don’t let it manage You!℠