What is it and Does it Pay Off?
Date and TimeTue, Apr 02, 2013 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
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Typically, people consider coaching as a way to catalyze some type of change: change in career, change in behavior, change in business results or income and change in life satisfaction. Most often, coaching interventions involve employing an individual who serves as a coach to help facilitate that change, but what would it look like if individuals could coach themselves? More importantly, is it really possible for self-coaching to effect positive change?!
That’s what researchers set out to discover in a recent self-coaching program with managers of a plastics manufacturing organization. Utilizing a quasi-experimental design, two groups of managers were formed: a control group, which received no self-coaching intervention; and an experimental group, which received the self-coaching intervention. The self-coaching intervention included: Five self-coaching skills that were taught to managers during a 90-day learning program, combining classroom and online instruction, on-the-job skills practice, journaling and peer interaction to learn, apply and develop a regular habit of employing self-coaching behaviors.
Attend this webinar to learn what is self-coaching and how researchers used the ROI Methodology(TM) to determine pay off and ROI of a self-coaching solution.
About Lisa Ann Edwards, M.S., ACC
Lisa Ann Edwards, M.S., ACC, is a partner of Bloom Coaching Institute, an organization that advances coaching effectiveness through research, tools, training and consultation on ROI of Coaching. Lisa's coaching work has demonstrated as much as a 251% return-on-investment and has been shown to lift employee engagement nearly 20%. As head of Talent Management for Corbis, a Bill Gates' privately owned global media company, Lisa was responsible for designing and implementing effective talent development solutions such as leadership development and coaching programs to ensure talent engagement, improve talent retention and serve to feed the talent pipeline.
Lisa is a frequent contributing author to trade publications and has authored or contributed to the following books: Measuring the Success of Coaching: A Step-by-Step Guide to Measuring Impact and Calculating ROI (ASTD Press, 2012); Retail Coaching. La gestioneoperativadella rete vendita secondo le logichedello sport (2011); ASTD Handbook for Measuring and Evaluating Training (2010); Talent Management Handbook (2010); Creative On-boarding Programs (2010);Keep Looking Up (2010); Managing Talent Retention: An ROI Approach (2009) and ROI in Action Casebook (2008).