The Evolution of a Coaching Organization:
A Real-World Case Study of InPro Corp.


Tim hagen photo
Chief Coaching Officer, Progress Coaching
Webinar Recording Details



Join us and discover how coaching best practices were introduced and implemented in this organization to build a highly engaged coaching culture. This webinar will provide a real world case study of an organization formerly struggling with the Great Recession that now employs a Director of Coaching under whom all managers coach their employees regularly with successful outcomes.

This webinar will explore:
  • How coaching was initially introduced to InPro and how one meeting changed an organization's outlook on staff development
  • How coaching expanded the management role and subtly built a successful succession program
  • Why NOW is the best time to start a coaching program and How The InPro Corporation exemplifies it
  • Why coaching supports the foundational strengths of InPro
  • Why Inpro Fired Tim Hagen and Both Parties Were Thrilled!
  • How Inpro continues to use Coaching to Build and Retain employees today

About Tim Hagen

Tim and his company Progress Coaching have been helping organizations and their managers implement highly effective coaching for almost 20 years.  Tim is a pioneer in the coaching movement and continues to innovate and build solutions that drive and retain top talent. Tim is also the author of "Quit Managing and Start Coaching" and “Coaching: Corporate America’s Number One Weapon" and the creator of the Progress Coaching Training System.   

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