The Evolution of a Coaching Organization:
A Real-World Case Study of InPro Corp.

Chief Coaching Officer, Progress Coaching
Webinar Recording Details
Date and TimeThu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Join us and discover how coaching best practices were introduced and implemented in this organization to build a highly engaged coaching culture. This webinar will provide a real world case study of an organization formerly struggling with the Great Recession that now employs a Director of Coaching under whom all managers coach their employees regularly with successful outcomes.
This webinar will explore:
This webinar will explore:
- How coaching was initially introduced to InPro and how one meeting changed an organization's outlook on staff development
- How coaching expanded the management role and subtly built a successful succession program
- Why NOW is the best time to start a coaching program and How The InPro Corporation exemplifies it
- Why coaching supports the foundational strengths of InPro
- Why Inpro Fired Tim Hagen and Both Parties Were Thrilled!
- How Inpro continues to use Coaching to Build and Retain employees today
About Tim Hagen