Halloween Haunt: Building Fun Into Your Webinars

L & D Expert, RussellMartin & Assoc.
Webinar Recording Details
Date and TimeFri, Oct 25, 2019 at 8AM Pacific / 11AM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Watch for a prompt from the moderator upon login.
Join Lou Russell and her friends for a different kind of webinar. We’ll be having a party, playing games, building treats, celebrating ghosts, and telling scary training stories.
If you’d like to push the envelope on your webinars or if you just like holidays, you’ll love this haunted jaunt through new ideas for using technology.
If you’d like to push the envelope on your webinars or if you just like holidays, you’ll love this haunted jaunt through new ideas for using technology.
About Lou Russell
Lou Russell is the CEO/Queen of RMA, an executive consultant, speaker, and author whose passion is to create growth in companies by guiding the growth of their people. In her speaking, training, and writing, Lou draws on 30 years of experience helping organizations achieve their full potential. She inspires improvement in leadership, project management, and individual learning.
Lou is the author of seven popular and practical books: IT Leadership Alchemy, The Accelerated Learning Fieldbook, Training Triage, Leadership Training, Project Management for Trainers, 10 Steps to Successful Project Management and Managing Projects. As a sought-after international speaker, Lou blends her humorous stories with her on-the-ground experience to speak to the real problems of the people in the room. Encouraged by Lou’s upbeat and practical style, every learner leaves with new enthusiasm and tools to improve their bottom line.
You will be moving, laughing, participating, inspired and challenged. Most importantly to Lou, you will learn.