Meet Your New Training Tools: Robots and Chatbots


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Senior Digital Product Designer, Digital Wits
Webinar Recording Details
  • Date and Time
    Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
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Artificial intelligence-based robots are already being “trained” by instructional videos in industries such as food services and manufacturing. And thanks to consumer products such as Amazon’s “Alexa,” workers are not only comfortable with, but embrace interactive chatbot technology. Tech-based organizations and educational institutions are partnering to create these edu-bots. And it’s coming to the corporate training world. 

Learn how in the future you’ll be designing training for robots, and creating training products where learners carry on a real-time conversation with a bot to get personalized information to perform their jobs. Explore the benefits of chatbots and learn about resources (free and for hire) to help you create a chatbot.

About Vicki Kunkel

Vicki Kunkel is an award-winning digital earning professional who works with organizations to incorporate new technology into learning and development products. She has used Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and chatbots in client training programs. Most recently she was involved in creating a program to help learning professionals train robots in the workplace. A New York publishing house signed Vicki to write a book on robots in the workplace: Bot Your BusinessHow Robots Can Help Grow Your Business, Get More Customers, and Make Your (Human) Employees Happier. The book is due out in Spring, 2019.

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