Strategies for Recognizing and Engaging Your Workforce


Bob k head shot jacket low reso april 2019 jpg
Author | Founder of The Employee Engagement Group
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Author, President, Nelson Motivation Inc.
Webinar Recording Details
  • Category
  • Date and Time
    Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
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Employee engagement and recognition are the most important human resource issues in organizations today. Employees of different backgrounds spanning four generations have a direct influence on the customers they serve daily. As such, it is important for employers to maximize the full potential of their workforce with proper forms of recognition within a platform of engagement. Learn how to create a culture of engagement and recognition, regardless of the size or type of business you are in.

Based on two bestsellers (Bob Nelson's 1501 Ways to Reward Employees and Bob Kelleher's Louder Than Words, 10 Steps of Engagement...that Drive Results), this webinar will expand your thinking of what recognition really means and what you can do to build it into your culture, and how to shift your focus on engagement as a significant retention strategy.

Specifically, Kelleher and Nelson will outline:
  • Engagement and recognition best practices
  • The latest case studies and research proving that engagement and recognition drive business results
  • Specific and actionable ideas to boost both formal and informal recognition
  • The connection between employee engagement and high performance
  • Recognizing the different generations in the workforce
  • How to build and sustain progress, keeping your recognition efforts fresh and relevant

About Bob Kelleher

Bob Kelleher is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, and thought leader and travels the globe sharing his insights on employee engagement, leadership, and workforce trends. Bob is the author of the best-selling book, LOUDER THAN WORDS: 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps That Drive Results, CREATIVESHIP, A Novel for Evolving Leaders, EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT for Dummies, and his latest, I-Engage, Your Personal Engagement Roadmap.

Bob can be seen or heard on national media (including CNBC, CBS, NBC News, Business Week, Forbes, and Fortune), and is a frequent guest writer and contributing editor on many national publications.
Bob is a frequent conference keynote speaker, including talks throughout the US and Canada, as well as recent talks in China, Japan, Europe, South America, Mexico, and the Middle East.
Bob has also presented to the leadership teams of many of the world’s top organizations including Prudential, Lockheed Martin, Kronos, Ceridian, Cumberland Farms, TJX, The Cheesecake Factory, Abbott Labs, Fidelity, Dale Carnegie, CDC (Centers for Disease Control), amongst many others.

Bob is also the founder and president of The Employee Engagement Group, a global solutions provider helping leadership teams boost their organization’s employee engagement effectiveness

Books by Bob 

About Bob Nelson, Ph.D.

Bob Nelson, Ph.D. is president of Nelson Motivation Inc., a multi-million copy best-selling author, and is considered the world’s leading authority on employee recognition, engagement & retention. He has worked with 80 percent of the Fortune 500 companies.

Books by Dr. Bob 

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