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Registration to the live sessions is now closed.  Registering now will give you access to the recordings.  We'll keep you posted on our next Intensives Workshop when registration opens.

This benefit is only available with the MembershipPLUS benefits package in Training Magazine Network.
The New Trainer and Designer Roles in
Continuous Learning At Work
An online workshop for trainers, designers, facilitators, leaders, and for those who want to adopt a new mindset while developing new skills towards learning that matters at work.
Participant Benefits
  • Gain knowledge and skills in new roles
  • Receive a step-by-step implementation guide
  • Access to multiple templates and checklists
  • Obtain interactive activities and exercises in Adobe Captivate and Storyline worth $2,500!
  • Registered participants will have access to the 3 recorded sessions
  • Continued support and mentoring after the sessions 
The Modern Workplace Is Rapidly Changing
The emergence of new and smarter technologies has greatly impacted the way people work and learn. Gone are the days when training is the be-all-end-all for learning and skills development. Traditional training methods are just not sufficient to support today's workers’ demand for instant knowledge and expertise while at work.
The Challenge for L&D Practitioners
Trainers, designers, developers, facilitators, and leaders all face the challenge of how to apply new learning designs that go beyond content and are work-focused. Rapid changes in enabling technologies and demand in the workplace for learning approaches that incorporate learning while working. Studies have shown that more than 70% of organizational learning comes from working and collaborating with others. This is exactly the reason why continuous learning thrives in today’s environment.
Continuous Learning Requires Strategies and Models
Effective learning design supports advances in cognitive skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, troubleshooting, process improvement, innovation development, assisted technologies, analytics, and agile work processes and mindsets. It focuses on fostering employees’ thinking skills through activities that are integrated into their daily work routine. Its learning design is about work in motion. It is a learning design that goes beyond instruction to enable agile learning that accelerates results. 
Trainers, Designers and Leaders’ New Role and Function
Trainers, designers, and leaders must nurture and implement continuous learning cultures, systems, and methods in the workplace. 
Workshop Topics
  • Work focus - Finding opportunities for continuous learning while at work in rapidly changing environments

  • Dynamic needs - Gathering fast, dynamic and instant gaps and needs information

  • Learning from others - Designing learning experiences that encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing

  • Advanced cognitive skills - Problem-solving, critical thinking, process improvement - all essential in continuous learning

  • New tech enablement - Selecting and using technologies that support continuous learning while at work

  • Accelerated application - Knowledge to application, continuous learning accelerates business creative problem-solving and growth

  • Employing analytics - Plan and direct continuous learning while at work

  • Beyond instruction - Shifting from instruction-based training approach to work-centered models

  • Implementing and supporting - Continuous learning for persistent and deeper penetration in organizations
Workshop Method

The workshop employs non-traditional workshop methods. We use online software to replicate a continuous learning experience and process while at work project.

Participants will undergo three simultaneous and concurrent processes.

Process # 1 - Self-Directed Learning and Experience Sharing

Participants will study six (6) work situations and experience first-hand different models of Continuous Learning at Work. Each situation has a set of experience-based activity, a short video, a small project, and references. (Six hours of participant time)

Process # 2 - Project Mentoring

Throughout the workshop, participants will collaborate with mentors on their projects. The development of the small projects are assisted by the mentors. The communication is done through an online collaboration tool. (The hours are included in Process #1)

Process # 3 - Virtual Conversation Webinar

Participants will join three conversation sessions for an exchange of project application insights and summarization. (Two hours per session, a total of six hours).

Workshop Handouts and Materials

Participants will receive the following resources:

  • Guide to Implementing Continuous Learning While Working - Workbook

  • Four interactive activities in problem-solving, critical thinking, decision-making, process improvements, and mapping knowledge. These come in an Adobe Captivate version and a Storyline version. The exercises are also available in print form for classroom exercises.

  • Four implementation exercises for participants and leaders. This covers - Agile Learning; Sharing Experiences; Dynamic Gaps Analysis; Analytics.  

Time and schedule
Monday, August 13 - Kick-off and Introductions
Monday, August 20 - Session 2
Monday, August 27 - Session 3

8:30 am to 10:30 am Pacific Time
11:30 am to 1:30 pm Eastern Time

Total of six hours participant time.

About the Facilitators and Mentors

This benefit is only available with the MembershipPLUS benefits package in Training Magazine Network.
Jonathan Workman Crystal L. Fernandes-Harris
Melissa Erceg Dougherty Aimee Lantzy
Brenda LaRose Cara North
Workshop Fees

Attend For Free 

Registration to the live sessions is now closed.  Registering now will give you access to the recordings.  We'll keep you posted on our next Intensives Workshop when registration opens

This dynamic workshop is in 3 weekly discovery, conversational and experiential method webinars.  With a Standard level TMN membership for $95, you'll attend for free and receive all additional benefits of Standard level membership!  Membership and Continuous Learning @ Work workshop brochure.   

Standard, Advanced, and Premium members receive complimentary registration to the workshop.  Not sure of your membership level?  Please log in to TraningMagNetwork.com and click here.  Already a Standard level member or higher?  Log in and register on this page.  

Questions? Please email us at members@trainingmagnetwork.com, or use the contact us link below.   

For special small group in-house programs, please contact Vignettes Learning.