What’s Design Got to Do with It? The Science and Psychology Behind Design and Why Trainers Should Care


Carolyn humpherys
L&D Consultant and Sr.Instructional Designer, Traveling Coaches
Eileen whitaker
Sr. Learning & Change Management Consultant, Traveling Coaches
Webinar Recording Details


There’s a lot of talk about “design thinking,” but if you’re a trainer and not an instructional designer, you might think "so what"? Using science and psychology to understand how design touches and influences each of us daily can increase your success in the training room. 

During this webinar, you’ll learn strategies for:
  • Grabbing a learner’s attention
  • Motivating learners
  • Predicting problem areas when teaching about technology
  • Increasing learner understanding
  • Making learning stick

About Carolyn Humpherys

Carolyn Humpherys is a Learning Development Consultant and Senior Instructional Designer at Traveling Coaches. Her formal education in communications, graphic design and writing, along with her 18 years of experience as an instructional designer and 29 years of experience in the legal industry, make her a powerhouse as one of the lead developers of Traveling Coaches’ learning programs. Co-recipient of the ILTA 2016 Consultant of the Year award for her role as co-architect of the Springboard Certified Legal Trainer Program, Carolyn helps law firm trainers, helpdesk teams and security awareness specialists drive change within their organizations using proven adult learning theories and change management methodologies. Contact her at chumpherys@travelingcoaches.com or connect with her on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/carolynhumpherys.

About Eileen Whitaker

Eileen Whitaker, Sr. Learning & Change Management Consultant at Traveling Coaches, partners with law firm stakeholders and learning professionals to develop strategies that maximize user adoption of technology-related business initiatives. After spending 20+ years as a technical consultant, learning advocate and change practitioner, Eileen knows what truly drives adoption and engagement. She regularly contributes thought leadership to peer networking organizations by speaking and writing. Eileen is a virtual learning expert, the Springboard Consulting team lead, co-creator of the award-winning Certified Legal Trainer Program and winner of ILTA’s 2016 Distinguished Peer Award for Innovative Consultant of the Year. Contact her at ewhitaker@travelingcoaches.com or connect with her on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/eileenwhitaker.

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