The Neuroscience of High Impact Learning


Founder and CEO, NeuroLeadership Group
Webinar Details



Brain research is pointing to fresh insights about how to make learning stick. A number of the findings are counter-intuitive, pointing to new approaches and tools for learning that can significantly increase engagement and retention of learning, using a wide range of training mediums.

This research-rich yet practical session will explore the latest findings emerging from brain research as it relates to creating high impact learning experiences, giving participants new tools for maximizing their impact.

About David Rock

Dr. David Rock coined the term ‘NeuroLeadership’ and co-founded the NeuroLeadership Institute, a global initiative bringing neuroscientists and leadership experts together to build a new science for leadership development. He co-edits the NeuroLeadership Journal and heads up an annual global summit. He is the author of 4 books including the 2009 business-best-seller ‘Your Brain at Work’. David is also the founder and CEO of the NeuroLeadership Group a global consulting and training firm with operations in 24 countries. Academically, David is on the faculty and advisory board of Cimba, an international business school based in Europe. He is a guest lecturer at universities in 5 countries including Oxford University’s Said Business School, and on the board of the BlueSchool, a new educational initiative in New York City. He received his professional doctorate in the Neuroscience of Leadership from Middlesex University in 2010.

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