Keynote Session to the Masters Series - Tools to Engage the Modern Learner: The “Let’s Do It and Must Do It” Learners

Date and TimeFri, Apr 20, 2018 at 8:30AM Pacific / 11:30AM Eastern
Duration45 Minutes
Cost$0 (Free)
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The recording of the keynote is open to all TMN members.
Click here for more information on Tools to Engage the Moderns Learner - Masters webinar and how to access the recordings and resources from all 8 sessions of the full-day event.

Whether new, experienced, young or old, there are new workers and learners in our modern workplaces. They are the let's do it and must do it learners. Their mindsets are set for constant learning, rapid speed, and net connected with their tools. Their work environment is modern driven by newer, better and faster tools which encourage collaboration, sharing knowledge, and contributions to problem-solving due to demands of business. As learning and training professionals this is our new playing field. How well are you prepared or coping or surviving with this environment?
How do you keep your training, learning solutions and initiatives not only relevant but also have them anticipate and promote modern ways of learning? In this session, Ray will explore audience trends in technologies and modern worker mindsets including:
- Preview a map of modern learners tools
- Who is the modern learner and trainer
- Examine and review trends of adoptions
- Highlight how tools help learners and trainers best
- Criteria for fitting in the right tools to the needs or modern learners
- List of references and resources
- What does research show and say about the modern learner
About Ray Jimenez, Ph.D.
Ray Jimenez, Ph.D., spent 15 years with Coopers & Lybrand in the areas of management consulting and implementation of learning technology solutions. As a management consultant, Ray has worked with various experts from different domains and industries. Over the past few years Ray has been dedicated to the development and creation of Ray is the author of Microlearning for Disruptive Results (soon to be released), Microlearning Impacts Report, 3-Minutes eLearning, Scenario-Based Learning, Do-It-Yourself eLearning, Story Impacts Learning and Performance eBook and Story-Based eLearning Design.
Ray has worked with American Bankers Association, Neiman Marcus, the U.S. Air Force, NASA, Blue Cross, Goodwill Industries, Pixar Studios, Edison Missing Group, Dendreon, Netafim, Progressive Insurance, Bridgepoint Education and California Institute of Technology, to name a few. He is the Chief Learning Officer of and architect of He has taught at the University of California, Irvine; University of Texas Southwest Medical Center, Dallas; Assumption University, Bangkok and Open Learning University, Hong Kong. He is a sought-after expert and workshop facilitator for Training Magazine, eLearning Guild and ATD Conferences.
Workshop participants describe Ray as “fun,” “engaging,” “technically savvy,” “provocative,” “inspiring,” and “has depth and experience in Story-based eLearning Design.”
Masterful Virtual Trainer Online Workshop
Microlearning for Disruptive Results Online Workshop
Story-Based eLearning Design Online Workshop