Webinar Recording Details
Date and TimeTue, Jul 31, 2018 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Watch for a prompt from the moderator upon login.
A significant reason managers don’t coach their people is that there’s no obvious WIIFM. Sure, the person they coach improves in engagement, productivity and impact, so the organization benefits too. But for the manager, coaching can feel like just another obligation. By understanding the Drama Triangle, managers can reach that aha! moment where they realize how being more coach-like can help them work less hard and have more impact.
In this webinar, Michael Bungay Stanier will explore the three archetypal roles of the Drama Triangle. You’ll also learn three ways to get out of the pull of the Drama Triangle. You’ll leave with a clear method to recognize and avoid behaviours that prevent us from being the best version of ourselves.
In this webinar, Michael Bungay Stanier will explore the three archetypal roles of the Drama Triangle. You’ll also learn three ways to get out of the pull of the Drama Triangle. You’ll leave with a clear method to recognize and avoid behaviours that prevent us from being the best version of ourselves.
About Michael Bungay Stanier
Michael Bungay Stanier is best known for his book The Coaching Habit, the best-selling book on coaching this century and one that Brené Brown calls "a classic". His new book is How to Work with (Almost) Anyone. Michael is Australian, was a Rhodes Scholar, and lives in Toronto, Canada.
Download the five questions of the Keystone Conversation at www.MBS.works
Download the five questions of the Keystone Conversation at www.MBS.works