Graphs, Charts, and Data Visualization – All Three in Your Next PowerPoint Presentation


Richard goring 03 square
Director, BrightCarbon
Webinar Recording Details



PowerPoint graphs and charts are an excellent way to show information visually, allowing an audience to see the trend or result straight away.

Graphs are a common component to most presentations, but they aren't always used correctly. An effective graph can show a trend, support your message, explain a situation, and much more besides. Data visualization takes things further, to convey complex concepts in an elegant and relatable way.

In this masterclass we explain how to use and create PowerPoint graphs and charts effectively. We show the common mistakes people make and how to avoid them. Then teach you how to create live and non-live graphs, charts, and other data visualizations that will help engage your audience and get your message across.

About Richard Goring

Richard is a Director at BrightCarbon, the specialist presentation agency. He has helped to write and create thousands of presentations and coached hundreds of teams to present more effectively using visuals, diagrams, and animated sequences that explain and reinforce the key points. He’s passionate about improving the way that people present and believes that anyone can deliver a great presentation if given the right techniques and a bit of practice.

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