The Sales Incentive Journey


Mike linkedin
President, Hinda Incentives
Ric neeley headshot
Marketing Director, Hinda Incentives
Webinar Recording Details
  • Category
  • Date and Time
    Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 11AM Pacific / 2PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
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Studies show incentive programs can significantly improve performance. But to maximize results, it’s important to understand the journey your participants will take from the time they first hear about the program to the day they receive their awards. 

Join us as we explore the sales incentive journey. Step into the minds of your participants as they learn about your program and decide whether or not to enroll and become actively engaged. See how they deal with objections, disappointments and successes. Learn the tools to keep them engaged and show them how to make their journeys prosperous. Discover how to build heroes for others to respect and emulate. And learn how to nudge your participants to make the most of your program.

This session will help you:
  • Map the participant’s sales incentive journey
  • Build strategies and tactics to maximize program enrollment 
  • Maintain ongoing, active engagement 
  • Optimize your program and drive participant performance throughout the sales incentive journey

About Mike Donnelly

Mike Donnelly is president of Hinda Incentives and a 30-year veteran of the industry. He has a passion for innovation and has guided Hinda to unprecedented growth under his leadership. He is actively involved in several industry organizations and was elected to the 2018 board of directors of the Incentive Federation, Inc. Mike has received numerous honors during his career and was most recently, named one of the industry’s 25 most influential people by Incentive Magazine.

About Ric Neeley

Ric Neeley is a marketing director with Hinda. For nearly 30 years, he has been helping clients meet their goals by engaging the people most important to them. He specializes in sales and channel strategies and has worked with a wide range of industries including automotive, technology, construction, financial services, pharmaceutical, technology and telecommunications.

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