The NO-LECTURE Webinar:
Engage Learners, STOP "Yacking" at Them

Date and TimeThu, Nov 16, 2017 at 12PM Pacific / 3PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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For the trainers and participants, webinars are great, until the trainers simply “yack” at learners. That’s when learners start multitasking and therefore, do not learn from the sessions.
This is unfortunate. Done effectively, webinars are the next best approaches we can use to deliver good training inexpensively. The major pitfall? That’s when it turns out to be “THE LECTURE” webinar.
Topic coverage:
- How do you assess webinar design and structure to determine that it engages and helps learners learn instead of boring them to death?
- What is a sound and solid design approach for engaging webinars?
- How do you apply the NO-LECTURE Webinar technique and method in all types of learning? In compliance, technical software, process, people skills and other types of content?
- How do you learn NOT TO LECTURE but instead, facilitate the optimal emotional and cognitive processes that your learners go through?

About Ray Jimenez, Ph.D.
Ray Jimenez, Ph.D., spent 15 years with Coopers & Lybrand in the areas of management consulting and implementation of learning technology solutions. As a management consultant, Ray has worked with various experts from different domains and industries. Over the past few years Ray has been dedicated to the development and creation of Ray is the author of Microlearning for Disruptive Results (soon to be released), Microlearning Impacts Report, 3-Minutes eLearning, Scenario-Based Learning, Do-It-Yourself eLearning, Story Impacts Learning and Performance eBook and Story-Based eLearning Design.
Ray has worked with American Bankers Association, Neiman Marcus, the U.S. Air Force, NASA, Blue Cross, Goodwill Industries, Pixar Studios, Edison Missing Group, Dendreon, Netafim, Progressive Insurance, Bridgepoint Education and California Institute of Technology, to name a few. He is the Chief Learning Officer of and architect of He has taught at the University of California, Irvine; University of Texas Southwest Medical Center, Dallas; Assumption University, Bangkok and Open Learning University, Hong Kong. He is a sought-after expert and workshop facilitator for Training Magazine, eLearning Guild and ATD Conferences.
Workshop participants describe Ray as “fun,” “engaging,” “technically savvy,” “provocative,” “inspiring,” and “has depth and experience in Story-based eLearning Design.”
Masterful Virtual Trainer Online Workshop
Microlearning for Disruptive Results Online Workshop
Story-Based eLearning Design Online Workshop