MicroLearning + Manager Training = High Performing Employees


Erin linkedin2
Marketing Content Manager, BizLibrary
Krista headshot 2017
Learning Content Specialist, BizLibrary
Webinar Recording Details
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Congratulations! You’ve developed the greatest training program ever. The content is ideally suited to our business problems, the technology works, and the employees seem to like it. There’s only one problem . . . nobody knows what to do with it when they return to their jobs.

If that’s not a nightmare scenario, we don’t know what is for a training professional!

Ultimately, we need our employees to learn, retain and then apply what they learn to improve their knowledge and skills to reach higher levels of performance. That’s the goal. But how many times do we fail to see the ROI we expect? How many times do we see really well done content NOT applied on the job? How many times do we have to go back to the CFO and explain why the ROI we expected never materialized?

Your host, Erin Boettge, Marketing Content Manager at BizLibary will help you discover how and when employees apply learning to improve their job performance, explain the role managers play in helping employees retain training and drive ROI and help you understand how micro-learning can be a great tool to help employees in their moment of need.

Key Takeaways:

During this interactive webinar, Erin Boettge will provide easy-to-understand insights on:
  • How to help employees apply their learning and improve job performance.
  • A manager’s role in employee retention and training ROI.
  • How micro-learning is a great tool for helping employees acquire skills just when they need them.
  • ... and much more!


About Erin Boettge

Erin is responsible for all aspects of content development, including development of eBooks, how-to guides, infographics, webinars and more. She conducts research about Learning and Development and HR topics to deliver up-to-date content possible to the BizLibrary audience.

About Krista Brubaker

Krista's main goal is writing relevant and helpful content for the HR and L&D community. She manages blog posts, press releases, social media, and assists with creating educational resources.

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