How to apply advance Story-Based eLearning Design techniques to immerse learners


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Architect of TrainingMagNetwork.com, Chief Learning Officer of Vignettes Learning
Webinar Recording Details



A story-based lesson can employ the “SRIA Model – Setup, Relate, Interpret and Apply”– to improve learning. But what is the approach to create a full program where there are several lessons? How do we make the lessons work in rhythm and harmony so each lesson moves the learner from one type of emotional learning to another? How do we immerse the learner so that each lesson builds up to a final “learning realization” or “high”?

In this webinar, you will learn:
  • What neurosciences and cognitive learning research tell us about the relationship between learning and theart of music,   painting and writing.
  • How to employ the structure and rhythm of musical notes, photos and words to raise the learners’ awareness and emotions of   critical content to learn?
  • How to use the “Advance Story-Based Design for Learning Oscillation.”
  • How to identify which content warrants a different tempo, theme and visual flavor to impart the right meaning

Participants will receive the guide on applying the process - “Advance Story-Based Design for Learning Oscillation.’’

About Ray Jimenez, Ph.D.

Ray Jimenez, Ph.D., spent 15 years with Coopers & Lybrand in the areas of management consulting and implementation of learning technology solutions. As a management consultant, Ray has worked with various experts from different domains and industries. Over the past few years Ray has been dedicated to the development and creation of https://www.situationexpert.com/. Ray is the author of Microlearning for Disruptive Results (soon to be released), Microlearning Impacts Report, 3-Minutes eLearning, Scenario-Based Learning, Do-It-Yourself eLearning, Story Impacts Learning and Performance eBook and Story-Based eLearning Design.

Ray has worked with American Bankers Association, Neiman Marcus, the U.S. Air Force, NASA, Blue Cross, Goodwill Industries, Pixar Studios, Edison Missing Group, Dendreon, Netafim, Progressive Insurance, Bridgepoint Education and California Institute of Technology, to name a few. He is the Chief Learning Officer of www.VignettesLearning.com and architect of https://www.trainingmagnetwork.com/. He has taught at the University of California, Irvine; University of Texas Southwest Medical Center, Dallas; Assumption University, Bangkok and Open Learning University, Hong Kong. He is a sought-after expert and workshop facilitator for Training Magazine, eLearning Guild and ATD Conferences.

Workshop participants describe Ray as “fun,” “engaging,” “technically savvy,” “provocative,” “inspiring,” and “has depth and experience in Story-based eLearning Design.”

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Story-Based eLearning Design Online Workshop


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