A 10 Step Adobe Captivate 2017 Guide to Creating Mobile-Ready Content with Fluid Boxes


Director of Digital Learning Evangelism, Adobe Digital Learning Solutions
Webinar Recording Details
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Join Adobe eLearning evangelist, Dr. Allen Partridge for this practical guide to the hottest new technology for creating mobile eLearning.  Now you can simplify your project layout, and easily create content that adjusts and adapts to every screen using fluid boxes. Fluid boxes rearrange themselves to dynamically adapt to different screen sizes and shapes - and you have control over how those layout changes occur. 

In this step by step session you will learn:  
  1.  How and when to create fluid boxes
  2.  How to plan for fluid box layouts
  3.  How to select and nest fluid boxes
  4.  Understanding flow
  5.  Understanding wrap
  6.  Working with alignment
  7.  Content in Boxes and Boxes in Boxes
  8.  How and when to make things optional
  9.  How and when to make things in a fluid box layered
  10. Controlling the margins - Padding, stretch & object margin controls

About Allen Partridge, Ph.D.

Allen Partridge, Ph.D., is the Director of Digital Learning Evangelism at Adobe Digital Learning Solutions and has 20 years of experience in e-learning, education, games, and multimedia development. He has researched and reported on authentic educational solutions for audiences around the world for the past decade. Allen is recognized for his many online video tutorials and e-seminars, which are a mainstay for e-learning developers and trainers learning to create effective online educational materials.

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