Using Gamification to Enhance the Learning Experience


Scott henry home
Senior Director Product Management, ON24
Webinar Recording Details
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Engaged learners are more likely to complete their training requirements in a timely manner and retain the information being conveyed. But how do you keep learners engaged in today’s multitasking work environment? Game-based learning offers an opportunity to get – and keep – learners engaged in your training initiatives.

During this webcast, we will demonstrate how ON24’s virtual learning environment fosters an engaging learning experience. Best practices to be discussed include:
  • Putting the user experience at the center of your training program
  • Using gamification to capture and maintain a learner’s attention
  • How game-based learning augments existing learning programs

About Scott Henry

Scott is responsible for ON24's Virtual Environments offerings including the product roadmap, strategy, and development pipelne.  Scott has over 15 years experience delivering cutting edge products that help enterprises achieve their most pressing objectives.

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