Speaker: Tom Kuhlmann

Tom Kuhlmann is as close as we get to a rock star in e-learning. He is the VP of Community at Articulate and author of widely popular "Rapid e-Learning Blog" with over 50,000 readers. While that may not be as many readers as Oprah has viewers, for e-learning, it's HUGE! He's passionate about learning and technology and has over 15 years experience in the training industry where he's developed hundreds of hours of elearning and managed elearning projects at Capital One, Washington Mutual, and Weyerhaeuser. Tom has a Master's in Education Technology from Pepperdine, where he researched how to cultivate communities of practice through the development of personal expertise. Tom's core focus is on helping people succeed and grow. He is known throughout the industry for his practical, no-nonsense approaches to e-learning, and tips for making PowerPoint do things its creators didn't envision.


  • Full Name
    Tom Kuhlmann
  • Job Title
    Vice President of Community, Articulate

Webinars, Recordings, Resources, Groups, Conference Presentations


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